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Private Company Valuation |
Thursday 3rd July 2014 09:30 am to 4:30 pm Hotel Pullman London St Pancras, 100-110 Euston Road London NW1 2AJ UK |
Most registered companies are privately held, not listed on any stock exchange, so there is no market for their securities. As a result, valuation of private companies is problematic with different approaches sometimes producing quite diverse results. However, valuation is important to company management in monitoring progress and whenever an investment transaction is contemplated. Despite the rather large number of valuation methods that are available, there are only four basic approaches: cost value; market value; discounted cash flow valuation; option valuation. The valuation is subject to variability in sales forecasts, market factors, and perceived risks, as well as choices in discount rate. This MasterClass presents a non-mathematical approach to company valuation. It is at an introductory to intermediate level and no prior understanding of valuation methodology is required; familiarity with Excel spreadsheets is helpful. Delegates will receive hands-on training in developing and testing valuation models. This MasterClass has been CPD-accredited by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (ref: ECW/CACL), and credits 5 CPD points. What you will learn:
Who should attend:
Registration: The registration fee of £425 + VAT includes lunch, refreshments, MasterClass materials and valuations models - bring a laptop computer to build and use models. No cancelleations are permitted for this MasterClass, but you may send a substitute if you are unable to attend. In the unlikey event that Captum is forced to cancel this MasterClass, all fees will be refunded, but Captum accepts no responsibility for non-cancellable travel arrangements. |
Early registration is advised. Numbers are limited, and MasterClasses are often oversubscribed
© 2014 Captum Capital Limited. |